LITTLE SISTER S1R,—Having been a constant reader of the Spectator
over a number of years, I feel impelled to inform you how very shocked I am by the manner in which you have criticised Mrs. Knight's broadcasts. There is no dignity in the criticism as befits the editor of a paper of some literary standing, such as the Spectator —no other criticism that I have read has reached such a low, personal level as yours. Mrs. Knight's broadcasts, whether you agreed with her views or not, could not be considered 'pompous' or 'smug.' They were delivered in a quiet, courteous manner, indicating the kind of woman she really is—and I know, because
I have met her.
Your caption 'Little Sister,' and your effort to be smart and humorous in advising that she should be 'elevated' to television or the Light Programme is in such deplorable taste that one has difficulty in believing that it was written by the editor of the Spectator.
Do not imagine that this is written in defence of Mrs. Knight's views; it is purely a protest against your malicious, personal criticism which has aroused my indignation.—Yours faithfully, Potterne House. Three Cross, West Moors, Dorset