SIR,—An old reader of the Spectator, 1 am impelled to
tell you how much I deplore your treatment of Mrs. Knight and her broadcast on 'Morals Without Religion.' She presents an important matter in an earnest and forthright manner; you treat her with levity and abuse. Your accusation of cosy smugness and pom- posity is only your personal opinion which those who heard or read her may evaluate for themselves. There is no need for an attack on the opponent's attorney.
The alpha and omega of scientific principle is not that it is a virtue not to believe without evidence. That is only one of its tenets. Your deduction, 'Evidently we are all scientists now,' is merely silly.
And how is your remark, 'Mrs. Knight ought to be promoted to television, or at least to the Light Programme,' to be taken? Are you in earnest? Nothing would please Mrs. Knight more; or are you only scurrilous?
You show as much prejudice in this matter as do your correspondents who castigate you for printing last week the article on homo- sexuality in respect of that. In neither case is the attitude to be commended. — Yours faithfully,
7 St. Andrew's Road, Coventry