On the 20th inst., in Connaught Square, the Lady of WILLTAM DENRy, Esq., of a daughter. On the 21st inst., Lady MARTA SoMERVIT.T.E, of a daughter.
On the 20th inst., at Warwick, the Hon. Mrs. Woo omess, Lady of Charles Woodmass, Esq., of a son.
On the 231 inst., at Chiddingfuld Rectory, Sorry, the Lady of the Rev. G. F. EVERETT, of a son.
On the 21st inst., at Stourbridge, Mrs. Potrap Woesitousx, of a daughter.
On the 24th inst., in James Street, Buckingham Gate, the Lady of JOSF.PIT PEASE, Esq., M.P.,, of a son.
On the 21st inst., at St. Mary's, itryanston Square, Lientenant-Ceonel DrLacv EvANS. M.P. for Westminster, to JOsETTE, relict of Philip Hughes, Esti., of the lion. East India Company's Service, datighter of the late Colonel Robert ArLuthnott. Ott the 21st inst.. at St. Dunstan's in-the.East, SPENCER LANIDERT. Esq.. of Acre Lane. Brixton, to SARAH, widow of the late John Tyler, Esq., of Newington Place, Kennington. On the 19th inst., at Llangattock Church, the Reverend R. W. 1'. Dsvivs, of Court Ggollen. to CHART oTTE ANN, only child of the late Edward Morgan. Esq., of Llan- gal toek Place, both in the county of Brecon. On the 24th hist , at Broad water. Sussex. Wtr.r.tsm Mset,EA:v. Esq., of Denmark Bill, Sorry, to FRANCES SUSAN, youngest daughter of the late John Dennett, Esq., of Storrington.
On the 26th inst., at the District Church of All Souls, Marylebone, G t °ROE BEsT, of Dretlands. Surety, and of the Middle Temple, Esq., to ELIZABETH GEoRCHANA Area third daughter of the late General and Lady Elizabeth Lottus.
On the 234 inst.. at Bath. in her 7241 year, Lady FRASER. the widow of the late Sir William Fraser. Bart., having, only sin% ived the greatly-lamented death of her third anti last surviving son, Sir James John Fraser. Bart.. by the space of 18 days. On the 8lstinst., at his seat of Stoke Park. Backs. in his 75th year, JOiiN PENN. Esq., Governor of Portland heretofore a Proprietary and Hereditary Governor of the Pro- vince, now State, of Pennsylvania. in North America. On the 19th inst., at Dolma e Rectory, BedlonIshire. JULTA. the wife of the Rev. Edward Smith, and sister ot John Fleming, Fsq , of Stoneham Park, 41...nts.
On the 2161 inst. in his 63111 year, Sir Host EL BATI.Ev, who, for upw ards of twenty years. tilled the office or his Majesty's Consul General in Russia, and of agent to the Russia Company at St. Petersburg. On the 26th inst., in Sacks jilts Street. Sir Drf.RERT BEANE, Dart, in his 84th year. On the 23.1 inst.. at Ludlow, in her 87th year, Mrs. Itooetts, relict of the late Chades Rogers. Esq.. of Ludlow, anti of Stanage Park. On the lath inst., suddenly, at StrAuraer, Enwsan Ilzrous, in his 1011 year ; he was in the engagement at Quebec when Wolfe fell. lie retai tied his faculties to t he last, awl walked to Newton Stewart, a distance of 26 miles, in one day, in the month of May last. On the EA ult., at his residence, at Gateside. near Kilsyth, in Ii 104th year Bossier R ; he retained all his faculties until the last. particularly his memory. He had been blind for 55 years; was bled a blacksmith, and recollected I erfectly of the day of the battle of Falkirk. He died iu the same house in which he w as born.