The Doctrinaires Have Triumphed In The French Elections,...
to expectation. Out of 459 members, it is probable that not more than 80 will belong to the Opposition. LAFITTE and °DILLON B tRROT have been returned for provincial districts;......
319ebateg Anti Prareebinga In Parliament.
1. hum TITHES. In the House of Commons, on Monday, the order of the day for the further consideration of the Report of the Irish Tithe Bill having been read, Mr. LITTLETON moved......
Some Outrages Have Been Committed In Lisbon. And Other...
in Portugal, against the Miguelites; several of whom have been assassinated in the streets. Al) attempt was made to murder MIGUEL himself, as lie was on the point of embarking......
News Of The Week.
The motion for recommitting the bill was not carried without strong opposition, manifested in one of the most interesting and animated debates of the session. Mr. O'CONNELL gave......
It Is Said That Metternich Is Desirousof Establishing A...
to decide differences arising between the German States. The members of this tribunal would be really, though not nominally, chosen by Austria and Prussia; and therefore the......
By A Late Arrival From New York, It Appears That
the contest stilt continues between the Bank and the Senate on the one side, and tbe President with the House of Representatives on the other. The Bank Directors have refused to......
The Spanish Court Has Recently Been Alarmed By A Report
of the approach of cholera to Ara njuez, but it turned out to be ill-founded. It is said that the united firces of QuEsADA and EL PASTOR have sustained a severe defeat from the......