The reelection of Mr. Abercromby as Member for Edinburgh took place on Monday. Mr. Cunninghame, advocate, proposed him to the constituency, in a speech, full of eulogy of the......
Among The Spaniards D-ho Accompanied Don Carlos In The...
ship Donegal to Portsmouth, is the notorious General Moreno. This man, it will be recollected, was Governor of Malaga, when Torrijos and his comrades, among whom was Mr. Boyd, a......
If We May Trifst The Contents Of An Anonymous Communication,
writ- ten in a very clerkly hand, the rE w First Lord of the Admiralty is busy. ing himself in the details of his department, with a view to a reduction of its expenditure. We......
Pos Cm Pt.
SATURDAY NIGHT. The four candidate , : for Finsbury are all resoh el to put the sincerity of their respective friends to the test, by going to the poll on Monday next. Of Mr.......
The Congress Of Vienna Broke Up On The Evening Of
the 12th instant. The resolutions adopted by the assembled Ministers are to be laid before each Government, for its formal sanction, before they are promulgated. One of these......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCNANOE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The English Stock Market has evinced more firmness this week, and sonic improvement in prices has taken place. This result is attributable to......
Mr. Thomas Payne, The Publisher. Of The Morning Post,...
at the bar of the House of Lords this afternoon, in compliance with their Lordships' order, to.answer for the breach of privilege committed by the Morning Post in the article......