A great Protestant meeting is advertised to be held next week in Dublin, at which Lords Winchilsca, Wicklow, Roden, and others of the same Orange complexion, are expected to aitend.
Mr. O'Connell has addressed the following letter to the electors of Wexford, who are about to choose a successor to their lute Member, now Lord Carew.
" Hereditary bondsmen, know ye not,
ho would be free themselves roust strike the blow?"
" Lomiou, 15th June l834.
" Hew or WEXFORD—The fate of Ireland is in your hands. Au audacious and im- becile Ministry threaten to renew the act which annihilates constitutional rights in Ireland. The base and atrocious Whig faction dare to threaten Ireland with slavery. Under the pretext of crimes which we hate more than they do. they would deprive Irishmen of that freedom which their virtue and patriotic exertions have wrung Irons introit ag taskmasters.
" Men or Wexford, what is your opinion of the Coercion Bill ? Vted is your opinions of this weak and drivelling Ministry, who presume, without a cause or even a pretext, to call fur its renewal?
" Let me have your answer from the hustings. Is there any one of you so silly so stupid, as not to see that it is vain to expect any thing hut coercion from a non .resident Parliament ? Is there one of you who must not now see that without the Repeal of the Union it is impossible.lreland should be peaceableor happy ? Send US. then, a Repealer. Your need not ask for pledges. Send us a Repealer—a known Repealer.
" Sir T. tismonde has enrolled himself in the ranks of the Iteral. Whether he de- clare himself a euulidate or not. of what importance is it, or eau it he to you? Return him nobly, triumphantly. Show the disastrous Whigs—the bane of Ireland—show them you meet their-disposition to tyranny by your determination that Ireland shall be a nation again. " I write amidst the pre9snr.• raultielied .rail overpowering avocations. I need only, however, repeat that the fate of Ireland is in your hands. Seorir the instruments of Whig despotism. Let your county dem...,ustrate that all the worth of Ireland is fixed on 'the Repeal.' I am your faithful servant. Dasivr. tecos::ertr..-
The return of a Repealer is said to be certain. In case Sir Thomas Esmonde should &cline coming forward, a Mr. Cadwallader Waddy
will be the man of the people.
On Thursday, the funeral of Dr. Doyle took place in Carlow. The procession consisted of the children of the Nunnery and National Schools. Nearly a thousand of these arc receiving education at Catholic schools. They were followed by the members of the chari- table societies established in Carlow, and all were decorated with scarfs and hatbands. To these succeeded the young gentlemen educated in Carlow School, the collegians, and all the respectable inhabitants of the town, in deep mourning. The hearse was drawn by six horses. Almost every clergyman in the diocese was present. The procession passed through the leading streets of the town, and then returned to the chapel, in the aisle of which the body was interred. The proces- sion was two miles in length, there being more than 20,000 persons in it.