On Tuesday next, Mr. GLADSTONE to bring in a bill "to amend the laws relating to Savings-Banks," and a second bill " to amend the laws relating to the purchase of Government Annuities through the medium of the Savings- Banks." On the 21st June, Mr. WALPOLE to bring in a bill " to consolidate and amend the laws relating to Bribery, Treating, and Intimidation at Elections." On the same day, Lord DUDLEY STUART to bring in "a bill to repeal the Septennial Act and shorten the duration of Parliaments." When the Education Bill is in Committee, Mr. MIALL to move as an addition to the proviso of clause 20, words providing that every person shall be excused from the payment of an education-rate who voluntarily subscribes an equi- valent amount to any school in the city or borough for which the rate is made.