28 MAY 1853, page 18
Prices Current.
ITI H FUNDS (Closing Prices ) Saturd. 'Monday. Tuesday. Wedrikt. Thurs. Friday. 3 per Cent Consols Dade for Account 100/ 1u0 101 1 100 10, 1004 1001 1001 1001 1001 3 per Cents......
Military Gazette. Wail-01110e, May 27.—royal Ite G T. Of...
L. W. Bulkele v. Gent. to be Cornet. by purchase, vice Leslie, promoted. lit Dra g s.—Lieut. G. Webster, from the 10th Li g ht Dra g s. to be Lieut. vice W. Harrison, appointed......
Commercial Gazette.
Tuesday, May 24. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLTED.-Holt and Archer, Bull Inn Court, Strand, victuallers -Motteram and Co. Birmingham, atuarnies -Emmet and Knight, Bloomsbury Square,......