28 MAY 1853, page 11

The Commons Got Into Committee On The Income-tax Bill Last

night without any preliminary opposition. Amendments were made in clause 5--duties to be assessed and raised under the provisions of acts recited. When the question was about to......


SATURDAY. The Turkish affair begins to look more serious, though not more imme- diately critical. The telegraph has got a bad character lately ; but we feel bound to give the......

Money Market.

STOCK EXCHANGE. FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The option of changing Exchequer Bills for Bonds expired on Wednesday last; and the result can easily be imagined upon reference to the returns......

Under The Date Of St. Petersburg, May 15, The Electric

telegraph says —" In consequence of the opening of the Neva, part of the Russian fleet has come out from Cronstadt, for the purpose of practising evolutions in the Baltic." The......

'notices Of Motions In Tile Liousv. Or Commons.

On Tuesday next, Mr. GLADSTONE to bring in a bill "to amend the laws relating to Savings-Banks," and a second bill " to amend the laws relating to the purchase of Government......

There Was A Rather Striking Gathering At Oxford On...

on the occasion of the Mayor's feast. " Gown and Town " fraternized at the civic banquet ; nor was the Borough Cabinet-Minister Member, Mr. Cardwell, absent. Among the guests......