Tuesday, May 24.
PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLTED.-Holt and Archer, Bull Inn Court, Strand, victuallers -Motteram and Co. Birmingham, atuarnies -Emmet and Knight, Bloomsbury Square, attornies-Brickles and Co. Manchester, manufacturers of silk ; as far as regards J. Geissler-Reston and Leack, Lancaster, surgeons-J. and F. Green, Houghton Con- quest, Bedfordshire, farmers-Russell and Suns, Upper Ground Street, Blackfriara, patent-tube-manufacturers-George and Moseley, Sandg,ate, Kent, surgeons-Booth and Blakelock, Sunderland. ship-builders-Fisher and Hinton, John Street, Bedford Row. surgeons-Ilarrop and Co. Liverpool, brokers ; as far as regards J. G. H. Greene-Close and Stahl). High Street, Stratford. bakers-Ainsworth and Co. Cleator, Cumberland, flax-spinners-Crease and Blake, Liskeard, milliners-Lundie and Clarke, Stockport, candle-wick-manufacturers-Allen and Son, Pilkington, Manches- ter, dyers-Jones and Co. Carnarvon, drapers-Campbell and Christie, Glasgow, iron-founders.
BANIEROPTS.-WiLmAst Eltrranson, Riches Court, Lime Street, ship-broker, to surrender June 2, July 7 : solicitor, Neal, Austinfriars; official assignee, Bell, Cole- man Street Buildings-Newnan and JOHN Mancaw, Holland Street, Blackfriars Road, coach-wheelwrights, June 8, July 1: solicitor. Buchanan, Basinghall Street ; official assignee, Stansfeld. Basinghall Street-EDWARD JONES, Strand, woollen- draper, June 7, July 1 : solicitors, Liuklaters, Elise Lane; official assignee, Stanafeld, Basinghall Street-Roemer LA3IBELL, Etham Place, Dover Road, draper, June 6, July 5: solicitors, Sole and Co. Aldermaubury ; official assignee, Edwards, Sambrook Court-JoHN PINNoCK THIREELL, Cranbrook, Kent, farmer, June 6, July 5: solici- tors, Parker, St. Paul's Churchyard; Hinds, Goudhurat, Kent ; Cripps, Tun- bridge Wells ; official assignee, Groom. Abchurch Lane-FRANcts EIARaisson, Chelmsford, grocer, June 7, July 5: solicitors, Lioklaters, Sise Lane; Duffield, Chelmsford ; official assignee, Edwards, Sambrook Court - SAMUEL UNDERHILL, Wolverhampton, commission-agent, June 13, June 27; solicitors, Price, Wolver- hampton; Motteram and Co. Birmingham; official assignee, Bittleston, Birming- ham-Jelin WESTLAKE WAINWRIGHT, Bridgewater, builder, May 31, June 28: solici- tors, Reed, Bridgewater ; Stogdon, Exeter; official assignee, Hirtzel, Exeter.
DIVIDENDS.- June 17, Tate jun. Uxbridge, miller-June 17, Corby, Lower Eaton Street, builder-June 17, Fraser and Lightfoot, Lime Street:merchants-June 17, Sinclair, Bath Place, Peckham, apothecary-June 16, Brockwell, Old Broad Street,. merchant-June 17, Nicholson, Kendal, drover -June 14, Gundry, Goldeithney, Cornwall, merchant-June 14, May, Exeter, linen-draper-June 14, Preedy, Sher- borne, wine-merchant-June 14, Boobbyer, Tavistoek, ironmonger.
CERTIFICATE:IL-1% be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day ar meeting.-June 15, Witt, Wimboroe Minster, brewer-June 17, Smith, Stockton- upon-Tees, shipowner-June 17, Nicholson, Kendal, drover.
DECLARATIONS OF DIVIDEND9.-Murray, Alfred Place, Camden Road, baker; first div. of 4s. 2d. on Saturday next, and three subsequent Saturdays; Groom, Abchurch Lane-Jackson, Mincing Lane, merchant; seventh div. of lid. any Wednesday ; Whit- more ; Basinghall Street-Sewell, Chatteris, Isle of Ely, money-scrivener; third div. of ld. any Wednesday ; Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Figg, Brighton, clerk; second div. of Is. any Tuesday ; Pennell. Guildhall Chambers-Paynter. Penzance, attorney : second div. of 10id. any Tuesday or Friday;Exeter-Williams, Exeter, wine- merchant ; further div. of 1.r. 3 d. any Tuesday or Friday ; Hirtzel, Exeter- Cappin, Nantwieh, cheese-factor ; fin div. of 198. any Thursday ; Cazenove, Liverpool - Champ, Liverpool, provision-dealer; first div. of 4e. any Monday; Bird, LiverpooL
Barren SEcterirritanow.-Paterson, Hawick, Roxburghshire, ironmonger, May 30, June 23.
_Friday, Nay 27.
PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.-Cowburn and Co. Manchester, coach-builders--Bil- ling and Laing, Birmingham, brass-founders-Powell and Co. Old Bond Street, clothiers ; as far as regards S. Powell-Bridges and Stevens, North Woolwich, builders-Taylor and Co. Spotland, coal-proprietors-Vickers and Jervis, Sheffield, attornies-Mansfield and Son, Burton-on-Trent, machinists-Faulkner and Marsh, Crescent, Hackney Road, confectioners-Lynch and Inglis, Manchester, machinists -Clover and Son, Bucklersbury, accountants-Howe and Co. Coventry, silk-dyers - Royston and Hawkins, Bradford, Yorkshire, weighing-machine-makers-Harrington and Wailer, Barnsbury Place, Islington, greengrocers-Atkinson and Co. Brad- ford, agents-Gee and Chorlton, Liverpool, starch-manufacturers-East India Tea Company, Great St. Helen's; as far as regards F. Gye-Neale and Co. Liverpool, hollow-ware-manufacturers-Wilkinson andCo. Huddersfield, tea-dealers; as far as regards J. Wilkinson-Drake and Co. Paddock, Huddersfield, chemists-Olver, Brothers, Redruth, Cornwall, ironmongers-Rodey and Bowyer, Upper Ground Street, Blackfriars, corn-merchants-The Malago Vale Coal Company, Bristol-Alex- ander and Co. Glasgow, dyers ; as far as regards R. Alexander-Falconer and Co. Glasgow, shirt-makers.
BANERuprs.-Joint and THOMAS DAY, Tunbridge, gun-makers, to surrender June 7, July 8: solicitors, LinkLaters, Sise Lane ; Hodgson, Birmingham ; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street-ALExAnDER DALRYMPLE, Lime Street, mer- chant, June 10, July 8: solicitors, Taylor and Collisson, Great James Street ; official assignee, Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Moues FOSTER, Barge Yard, Bucklers- bury, wine-merchant, June 4, July 8: solicitors, Baker and CO. Lime Street; official assignee, Canaan, Aldermanbury-RicitARD FAITHFOL, George Street, Portman Square, coach-builder, June 4, July 8: solicitor, Archer, Baguet Court ; official assignee, Whitmore, BasingliallStreet-EsocH TURNER, Birmingham, builder, June 8, 29 : solicitor, Hodgson, Birmingham; official assignee, Whitmore, Birmingham.
DivmsciDs.-June 17, Masted, Swansea, furrier-June 18, Dunne and Venables, Craven Street, Strand, shipowners-June 18, NPLachlan, Spital Square, auctioneer- June 17, Salkeld, Basinghall Street, warehouseman-Juue 17, Wilkins, Brighton, builder-June 18, Cabburn, Cumberland Row, King's Cross, victualler-June 18, Polden and Larfargue, Gould Square, Crutchedfriars, shipowners-June 23, Glascott and Co. Great Garden Street, Whitechapel Road, copper-merchants-June 20, Bas- sano, Aston, Warwickshire, coach-founder-June 24, English and Co. Bath, auc- tioneers-June 21, Tratt, Bridgewater.ironmonger-June 20, Marshall, Almondbury, brewer-June 17, Wheeler, Scarborough, wine-merchant-June 17, Hamblet and Co. Brotherton, glass-manufacturers-June 17, IPLintock, Barnsley, linen-manufac- turer-June 17, Oyston, Wakefield, linen-draper.
CERTIPICATE8.-n be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.-June 17, Rawlings, Brownlow Street, Holborn, builder-June 17, Loader, Finsbury Pavement, upholsterer-June 17, Roberts, Nicholas Lane, tailor-June 21, Tratt, Bridgewater, ironmonger-June 20, Manion, Wolverhampton, draper-June 17, Fisher, Nottingham, tailor-June 17, Hamblet and Co. Brotherton, Yorkshire, glass-manufacturers-June 20, Marshall, Almoodbury, Yorkshire, brewer.
DECLARATIONS OF DIVIDENDS.-Bull, Greenwich, innkeeper; first div. of 4s. 41d. any Tuesday; Nicholson, Basinghall Street-Capper, Milton-next-Gravesend, vic- tualler; first div. of 2g. Ltd. any Tuesday; Nicholson, Basinghall Street--Ellis, Dean Street, Southwark, provision-broker; final div. of 9 2-5d. any Tuesday ; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Stirling, Bow Churchyard, merchant; final div. of 7-12d. June 7, or any Subsequent Tuesday; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Lacy, Great St. Helen's, gun-manufacturer ; first div. of Is. 6d. any Tuesday; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Williams and Merchant, Great George Street, contractors ; div. of 208. on new proofs, and interest on all the proofs, any Tuesday ; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-J. and J. Jarvis, Great Bash Lane, wine-merchants; second div. of 1 7-10d. any Tuesday; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Bateman and Hardwicke, Carey Street, Lincoln's Inn, printers ; second div. of 84d. any Monday ; Canaan, Aldermanbury-Stephens, Liverpool, shipowner; div. of 6s. M. any Wednesday ; Morgan, Liverpool-Baker, Liverpool, tobacconist ; div. of 4s. 9d. any Wednesday; Morgan, Liverpool-Pryde and Co. Liverpool, sail-makers; second div. of 64d. to- gether with a first div. of la. 9d. on new proofs, June 8, or any subsequent Wednes- day; Morgan, Liverpool-James, Bushell, Staffordshire, miller; first div. of Is. 104. on the separate estate, any Thursday before July 31; Whitmore, Birmingham. SCOTCIL SesunevraertoN.-Thomson, Cargill, Perthshire, farmer, June 3, 24.