28 MAY 1853, Page 12



- The occult science of "table-turning" which is now turning so many heids, and which has furnished wood-cute for Punch and the Illustrated News, has not escaped the attention of those acute and ready,witted gen- tlemen the dramatists of the French' metropolis. , Within the present Week no fewer than three pieces on the mysterious subject have been produced. The Vaudeville hire its Dann des Table8, the Varietes its La Table Tournante ; both constructed with the old framework of an obstinate father refusing to gin the hand of his daughter to the lover of her choice, until Weis 6yerpowered by the revelation of a new talent. At the Grate, " table.turning' , is used for a more definite purpose. The magnetic in- fluence is supposed to make a gentleman walk on the ceiling; and this rhim:email is our old friend Mr. Sands the American, who is astounding e good folks of the Boulevart. When Mr. Sands was here, we made rest his performance on its own merits, without writing a piece for ∈ and, considering the dramatic resources of the theatre at which he appeared, we perhaps acted wisely. A splendid (eerie in twenty tableaux, entitled Le Ciel et IEnter, has been produced at the Ambigu-Comique. , The subject is the old one of a pair of lovers exposed to the temptations of the evil principle, and de- fended by a genius favourable to virtue : but, though, this theme is sufli- eiently haelmied, it seems to have been: judiciously used as a means for introducing the greatest magnificence -in decoration and costumes. The authors are MM. Hippolyte Lucas and Eugene Barre.' A less ambitious diablerie, entitled lea (Eurres du Demon, has been brought out at the Gaite ; it shows the fate of a wicked agent of Oliver Cromwell, who has sold himself to the Devil, and who is consigned to his terrible purchaser after attaining the dignity of Dutch Stadhouder. This piece is from the pen of an actor named Bread, who made his debut in the principal cha- racter on the first night of representation.