At the last struggle between Austria and France, half a
century ago, the names of the dramatis persona who performed on the European boards tally so wonderfully with the corps driunatique displayed to public view when the curtain rose again on the revival of the same play this month, 1859, that the bill of the entertainment needs no alteration.
Deem. PEEL 1810.
Alexander I., Czar.
Frederick Will. L, King of Preside.]
Franz I., Kaiser.
Pius VI. Pope. Napoleon I., Frotagonista. Victor Emmanuel I., Savoyard. .Ferdinand L. lazzarone.
George IV., first gentleman in
Mum, Paw. 1859.
Alexander II.
Frederick William II.
Franz Joseph II. Pius IX.
Napoleon III.
Victor Emmanuel.
Ferdinand II.
George V., acting at Hanover.
Globe Correspondeni.