Ready, aye ready ! Gunboats and rifles, Silently, swiftly, we'll fill up the roll; Red Tape is fumbling, Diplomacy trifles ; Hark! Is Peace dead ? Did you hear the bell toll ?......
At The Last Struggle Between Austria And France, Half A
century ago, the names of the dramatis persona who performed on the European boards tally so wonderfully with the corps driunatique displayed to public view when the curtain......
The Occasional. By Leigh Hunt.
No. X. THE LATE XING OF NAPLES. Nis family 00/tHerions—Miss Smith and EU bfinim—Ferdinand's personal appearance—Quevedo's gentleman and coach- man—Characters of .Ferdinand from......
ITALY SINCE 1815. THE historical information requisite for a clear understanding of the whole case at issue between Italy and Austria has hitherto been a rare possession among......