Madame Frezzolini Is In Town En Route For The United
States. The great cantatrice has refused the most liberal offers at Paris, at St. Petersburg, and at Rio Janeiro , preferring a more independent and less laborious career in......
Don Giovanni Has Been Produced At The Drury Lane Italian
Opera with deserved success. The great difficulty,—to find a representative of the principal character—has been got over better than might have been expected. The veteran......
Lint Arts.
EXHIBITION OP THE ROYAL ACADEMY. HI. The third room is the most miscellaneous and the most unequal of the three, containing some of the most beautiful and the least successful......
Parisian Theatricals.
The literary veteran, M. Viennet has lately manifested his existence by a. drama in one act, produced at the Odeon. It is called kialona, the action takes place in the Crimea,......
There Have Been Several Good Concerts During The Past Week.
The Royal Society of Female Musicians had their annual concert on Friday evening last week at the Hanover Square Rooms. This is a valuable institution, founded about twenty......