The General Assembly of the Established Church of Scotland WS* opened on the 19th with the forms and ceremonies usual on the occasion. The Moderator was Dr. John Cook, Minister of St. Leonard's, St. Andrew's. The subcts discussed by the Assembly have little general, though considerable local interest. In a discussion on the Annuity-tax, there were some slight signs. of yielding the obnoxious impost which only the uncompromising desire to a small minority maintain as it is. The majority appeared to be in favour of a compromke, based on the retention of the number of Ministers at present existing, and of the sti- pends at the average of the last seven years. The Assembly also adopted a resolution against lay preaching.
The Assembly of the Free Church met on the same day as its rival. The Moderator was Principal Cunningham; Lord Panmure seconding his nomination in a speech of warm eulogium. The report on the funds of the Free Church shows an increase over that of last year. Dr. Begg brought up the report of a niiiiinittee on fhia dwellings of the working classes, bearing on the prevalence of illegitimacy in Scotland.. It showed that the unmarried of both sexes are crowded together like beasts into " bothies." The report was received, and the committee reappointed.