The Sure Resting-Place : being Selected Sayings of Our Lord
Jesus Christ. Arranged as a Manual of Faith and Practice. By the Compiler of the Divine Teacher. (Smith, Elder, and Co.)—This is a very admirable sequel to the author's previous little volume. It must have cost him very considerable labour to make the present compilation, but it has not been labour lost; and we cannot doubt that this manual will be as acceptable as its predecessor has been. In the former volume the teachings of Christ wore arranged chronologically, so that from the words in the Temple while a boy in His twelfth year down to the utterances on the cross and those after His resurrection we had brought before us all our Lord's sayings. The uniqueness of the work con- sisted in its giving Christ's own words in large type, and the interlacing narrative between the sayings in small. The same feature is found in this publication. You see at one where Christ's own statements begin and end. Only in the present volume the arrangement is not chronological, but topical; and in three divisions, we have the mind of Christ him- self, without note or comment, respecting God, the spiritual life, and the future. The selection of texts bearing upon the different subjects under which they are respectively ranged seems to us to be very felicitous ; and altogether the author may be congratulated on his modest, but successful endeavour to place his readers in direct com- munion with the words of Him who '' spake as never man spake."