The Court Of Queen's Bench Decided On Wednesday In The
case of " Wason v. Walter " that a newspaper publishing a report of Parliamentary proceedings is, even if it contain defamatory matter, privileged against an action for libel.......
The Jews Of Hungary Are, It Is Said, 600,000 In
number, and they have been called upon to arrange the relation their ecclesias- tical organization is to bear to the State. This is to be done through a Congress, elected like a......
It Seems Quite Clear That The Reaction Which Has So
greatly affected English counties has been strong in Middlesex. The defeat of the Liberals, or rather of Mr. Labouchere, was at first explained by a theory that the electors,......
Contrary To The Hopes Of Its Enemies And The Fears
of its friends, Baron Elitvos' Education Bill has, on the 23rd inst., passed the Lower House of the Hungarian Diet, It narrowly escaped post- ponement, as that body will be......
A Great Step Has Been Made Towards Getting Rid Of
the silly practice of demanding Latin and Greek verse-making as a proof of scholarship. The Balliol scholarships are the blue ribbons of the University for Undergraduates, and......
Mr. Laing, If We May Judge By The 12 O'clock
poll for the Wick Burghs, stands very little chance of being returned to Parliament. He seems to be no exception to the new law of borough constitu- encies, "Thou shalt not......
Yesterday And On Friday Week The Leading Foreign Bonds Left
off at the annexed quotations :- Nov. 20. Nov. 27. Nov. 20 Brazilian, 1863 781 761 Russian (Anglo-Dutch) 901 Egyptian. 1864 824 821 Spanish, 1867 33 Italian, 1861 5:4 56......
The Imperial Government Has Sustained A Great Defeat In...
In 1863 the department' gave the Napoleonic can- didate 22,000 votes and his opponent only 1,700, while this year M. Laroche-Joubert got 17,000, and his rival, M. Mathieu Bodet,......
Yesterday And On Friday Week The Lending British Railway...
left off at the annexed quotations :— Nov. 20 Nov. 27. Nov. 20. Nov. 27 Great Eastern 431 414 Lon., Chatham,8 D 171 17 Great Northern 105 106 Metropolitan 107 1034 Great Western......
Several Journals Have Declared, With An Appearance Of...
Mr. Bright has declined to accept office in the forthcoming Liberal Government. Mr. Bright's Birmingham friends deny this, and they are clearly in the right. Cabinets are not......
The New Archbishop Of Canterbury Is Evidently Regarded As A
theological suspect at Oxford. A letter in another column assures us that his Grace was submitted by the Proctors, along with the Dean of Christchurch (Dr. Liddell) and the Dean......
A Terrific Explosion Occurred On Thursday Morning In The...
Colliery, near Wigan. Fifty-six miners were either suffocated or burnt. The cause of the explosion is not known, but it is remark- .able that a scientific writer in the Daily......
The Most Prominent Feature In The Stock Exchange Has Been
the introduction of a New Russian Loan for /1,716,000. The price of issue is 80, and the interest, at the rate of 5 per cent., is guaranteed by the Russian Government. Consols......