The new Archbishop of Canterbury is evidently regarded as a
theological suspect at Oxford. A letter in another column assures us that his Grace was submitted by the Proctors, along with the Dean of Christchurch (Dr. Liddell) and the Dean of Westminster (Dr. Stanley), for the Select Preachers before the University. The Board, however, which decides on this momentous question of select preachers, and which is stated to consist of the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Payne Smith, and Pro- fessor Headley, did not think any of the nominations good. It substituted the Bishop of Chester, the new Dean of St. Paul's
(Dr. Mansel), Mr. Mozley (a recent Bampton lecturer), Mr. Blomfield, and Mr. Martin ; and snubbed the Primate of AU England. The Board has certainly shown that it is no respecter of persons.