The Canons.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:1 Sin,—In your note to the letter of " A Clergyman," on the "Indelibility of Orders," you state "that the Canons are recog- nized not only by......
Liberalism In The Boroughs.
ITO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR:1 Szn,—I notice in your list of candidates that you leave out one for this borough, Captain Henry Cockayne Cust, Conservative. The Conservative......
An American Village Election.
[Fans OM SPECIAL CORILEMPONDENT.] Bayridge, The Yarrows, L.1., November G, 1868. I AM here again among the falling leaves, and on the great elec- tion-day, the 3rd, I went with......
Mr. Grant Duff On Disarmament.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:1 Sin,—Will you allow me to correct an error in the Spectator of the 14th, which, though trifling in itself, is of some consequence tome? I......