The most prominent feature in the Stock Exchange has been
the introduction of a New Russian Loan for /1,716,000. The price of issue is 80, and the interest, at the rate of 5 per cent., is guaranteed by the Russian Government. Consols closed yester- day at 94 to 94i for money and the account. Reduced and New Three per Cents. have marked 92; to 92g; Exchequer Bills, 14s. to 18s. prem. For Indian Securities the market has been firm ; Indian Five per Cents. have touched 116 to 114. Railway Shares have been quiet, and Metropolitan stock has declined in value. At a meeting held yesterday, the Directors of the Great Indian Peninsular Railway were authorized to raise a further £2,000,000, for the prosecution of works in hand. The stock of bullion in the Bank of England is £18,256,637 ; in the Bank of France, £46,225,000.