SPECTATOR."1 Sat,—I am directed by the Diocesan Council of Derry and Raphoe to forward their reply to the Rev. J. Galbraith's letter which appeared in your paper, and to request that you will publish the same.—I am, Sir, &c., B. BABINGTON, Dio. Sec.
Synod Hall and Library, Londonderry, November 261h.
" Proposed by W. H. Porter, Esq., seconded by the Ven. the Arch-
deacon of Derry, and passed unanimously We, the Diocesan Council of Derry and Raphoe, representatives of the clergy and laity of the diocese, having had our attention directed to a letter in the Spectator of the 14th inst., calculated to detract from the credit due to our Bishop for his considerate and unselfish action in providing for the future requirements of the See, necessitating a substantial redaction of his income, and as this is not the first time such insinua- tions have been made, we consider it due to the diocese and his lordship—who by the nature of the attack is precluded from replying thereto—to record our protest against such statements, and we do hereby tender to his lordship the assurance of our unalterable con- fidence and respect, and on behalf of the diocese our hearty thanks, for his considerate and unselfish action in providing by a large sacrifice of present income an ample endowment for his successors, including the gift of the palace and garden.' "