28 NOVEMBER 1885, page 3

Sir John Lubbock, Who Was Re-elected On Tuesday Without...

by the University of London, delivered on the occa- sion a speech which is, we think, a perfect model of a speech for a University Member,—an ideal rarely even aimed at by......

Mr. Gladstone Delivered Two Of His Most Striking Speeches In

Scotland almost too late to affect the Elections, and it is impos- sible to look back upon them now without a keen sense of pain at the blindness which has stricken the English......

Mr. Bagwell Points Out In An Impressive Letter To Thursday's

Times, on the evidence of a Cork paper, what utter and open contempt of the law the members of the National League in Ireland are now displaying. These aro specimens of the evi-......


Among The More Remarkable Incidents Of The Elections Is The

rejection of the Marquis of Lorne for Hampstead. He was a candidate who combined the Liberals, in spite of a certain ten- dency to vacillate and accept pledges which he ought to......

Lord Salisbury's Speech At St. Stephen's Club On Monday Was

disfigured by that air of personal acrimony which always appears to us unmanly. He sneered at Mr. Chamberlain, sneered at Mr. Gladstone, sneered most of all at the Liberal......

The Last Speech Delivered On Tuesday In The Music Hall,

Edinburgh, was the most powerful of the whole series. Mr. Gladstone dwelt on the anxiety of the Tory Party to divert attention from the issues really raised by the Liberals to......

We Have Frequently Referred Lately To The Thoroughly...

in Mr. Bright. He never showed that conser- vatism in a healthier form than in a speech made on Monday in reference to the old Chartist demands. Those demands, he declared, had......