[to The Editor Of The " Spectator. "]
Sia,—It is customary for advocates of Disestablishment to take the flourishing condition of American and Colonial Churches for granted; in fact, to make it one of their stock......
The Bishopric Of Derry. [to The Editor Of The "
SPECTATOR."1 Sat,—I am directed by the Diocesan Council of Derry and Raphoe to forward their reply to the Rev. J. Galbraith's letter which appeared in your paper, and to request......
To The Editor Of The "spectator "
Sin,—The question as to the "large sacrifice" lies in a nut- shell. Is the absolute possession of £54,400, which the Bishop got from the Church Body, only worth the yearly......
To The Editor Of The "spectator."]
Sin,—In your article on " Mr. Bright on Disestablishment," you (in common with many of your contemporaries) seem to mis- apprehend the feeling of Nonconformists for the......
Letters To The Editor.
DISE ST.AB LI SHMENT. r To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR. " ] Six,—The Church Question in Exeter seems to have obliterated every other political issue from the minds of Liberal......
Superfine Politicians.
I N his letter to Tuesday's Times Professor Tyndall seems almost to boast of having set that bad example, for following which the more cultivated classes in the United States......