The History of Sanguhar. By James Brown. (J. Anderson, Dumfries.)—This
is a careful and complete local history, over. long, it may be, viewed from the literary standpoint, but probably containing nothing that local readers would willingly have dis- pensed with. Sanquhar is in Dumfriesshire, on the Firth, about twenty-six miles north-west of Dumfries. The most prominent family connected with it was the Crichtons, of which the "Admirable Crichton" was a cadet. These have long since ceased to have any connection with it, a Royal visit having proved their ultimate ruin. The history of the place, political, social, and ecclesiastical, is ranch the same as that of others. It has had no prominent place in history; but the various changes of Scottish life and politics have been reflected here. The Covenanters were in some numbers here, and the region has traditions of the perse- cution which they endured. The volume is chiefly of local interest, but it has a general value of its own.