The History Of Sanguhar. By James Brown. (j. Anderson,...
is a careful and complete local history, over. long, it may be, viewed from the literary standpoint, but probably containing nothing that local readers would willingly have dis-......
Naw Editions.—.familiar Quotations. By John Bartlett....
edition of a well-known book, and is, the author tells us, the final form which the work is to bear. Very considerable additions have been made since the appearance of the last......
We Have Received The Usual Supply Of Messrs. De La
Rue's Diaries and Pocket - Books, which keep up fully their high character for usefulness. The pocket-books in particular, es- pecially "size C," are perfect marvels of packed......
Aristotle On The Constitutions Of Athens. Translated By...
MA. (Macmillan.)—Mr. Poste has had no little practice in trans- lating Aristotle. A scholar who has successfully grappled with the Sophistici Eletwhi would not have much......