The Manchester Ship Canal Seems To Be Going The Way
of ship-canals. The city was induced to lend the Company three millions by estimates showing that this sum would be ample for the completion of the works. It is now reported by......
Mr. H. H. Asquith Publishes A Long Letter In The
Times in- tended to demolish the argument that the Lords may, when certain measures have passed the Commons, compel, by re- jecting them, a reference to the electorate. He asks......
The New Revolution In Brazil Has Produced Some Beneficial...
The new head of the Government, General Peixoto, is not a Dictator, but has summoned back the expelled Con- gress, which was legally elected, and has chosen the civil members of......
After His Rectorial Address, Mr. Balfour Was Entertained...
banquet presided over by the Very Rev. Principal Caird, in which it was not permissible to talk politics. In reply to the toast of Mr. Balfour's health, in proposing which......
Lord Spencer Delivered An Address To The Gladstonians In The
Corporation Hall, Ramsbottom, on Thursday, in which he expressed great satisfaction in the suppression of boycotting in Ireland, but thought the credit of it was due to Mr.......
We See From A Letter Of Mr. Hodgson Pratt To
the Echo, that the members of the International Peace Congress, which has just concluded its sittings at Rome, believe that they have done some substantial work ; and perhaps,......
The Full Accounts Of The September Earthquakes In Japan...
a terrible catastrophe. The shocks were felt in thirty-one provinces, and the towns affected were either destroyed or set on fire, the falling timbers upsetting all lamps and......
M. De Giers Has Finished His Visit To Paris, Apparently
not qnite satisfactorily, a cue having been given to the Press to minimise its importance, which, however, would have been done even if he had carried a Franco-Russian treaty in......