28 OCTOBER 1905, Page 23
The Harmony of the Proper Psalms for Fasts and Festivals.
By the Rev. Melville Scott. (Bemrose and Sons. 2s. 6d.)—This is an excellent little book, full of instruction for the reader, and with much valuable suggestion for the preacher. We see, for instance, how the sense of lxviii. 15-18 (Whit-Sunday morning) is brought out " A hill of God is the hill of Bashan, A hill of heights is the hill of Bashan. Why look ye in scorn, ye high hills, At the hill God hath chosen to dwell in? Yea, Jehovah will abide there for ever."
Is it not going too far to say that Psalm xlv. (" Hy heart is
inditing of a good matter ") " was never anything else but ideal" ?