Should Be Grateful If You Would Kindly Make It Known
through the columns of your paper that the material for the official and authorised " Life of Lord Leighton" is now being prepared for publication by Mrs. Russell Barrington.......
Pro The Editor Of The "spectator. "] Sin,---this Autumn I...
noticed for the first time what appears to me to be an interesting development in the habits of the wild birds, that visit London. Some twelve or fourteen years ago, during a......
[to The Editor Of The " Spectator:1
see that in your review of Lord Edmond Fitzmanrice's book in last week's issue you speak of the influence which Lord Granville had acquired over the House of Lords, by which he......
Lto The Editor Of The "spectator."'
Sin,—The date given by me in my letter on the above subject in the Spectator of the 14th inst. as that of your article in favour of universal military training should have been......
[to The Ed/tor Of The "spectator. "] Sir,--r Has, Been...
that a short account of a village club started on somewhat unusual lines might be of interest to your readers. With a population of no more than five hundred, we have built and......
[tux Experiment Proposed By Colonel Pollock For Which We Are
asking subscriptions may be briefly described as follows. Colonel Pollock declares that if funds sufficient to meet the cost are raised, he will undertake in six months to give......