Sin,—mr. Rider Haggard In His Interesting Letter Under...
heading (Spectator, October 7th) says: " To allow a vast number of men in the prime of life to spend months and years bereft of the society of their womenkind and families is to......
[to Tel Editor Or The "spectator."]
Sra,—In your last number Sir John Hopkins states that he is fully convinced of the advantages of superior speed in our battleships and cruisers. He bases his opinion on the......
Sir,— Admitting The Usefulness Of The Cheap Cottages...
still to consider the larger question of which the cheap cottage is only a part. Rural difficulties may be intensified by a lack of cottages, but they can hardly be held to......
Sir,—the Pekin Correspondent Of The North China Herald,...
September 4th, says of some of the returned coolies from the Rand "They are beginning to return. Some are unable to endure the hard work of the mines, and some are homesick and......
Sir,—i Admire The Courage Of Your Observations...
as to the " burial " of the lamented Sir Hemy Irving in Westminster Abbey. They reflect the opinions of many not daring to express them. But for the sudden and tragic end of the......