28 OCTOBER 1916, Page 1


THE war news during the week has been good as regards the Western front and bad as regards the Eastern front. We will deal with the bad news first. On Wednesday it was reported that the Rumanian line which stretched from the bridge-head at Czernavoda to Constanza, the Rumanian commercial port on the Black Sea, had been broken at both ends by the Germans, and that the Rumanians had been obliged to fall back and abandon their strong position in the Dobrudja. This news was confirmed on Thursday. No attempt, however, has yet been made, even by the Germans, to show that the Rumanian retirement was anything but orderly, and we hear of no great captures of prisoners or of specially heavy casualties, such as one must have heard of had the Rumanians suffered anything in the nature of a crushing defeat. The Germans are, no doubt, free to declare the capture of Czemavoda to be, as they have described it, " an uncommonly important success," but there has been no dlbdde.