The Times Of Last Saturday Published A Summary Of An
" Appeal to America " in the Dutch Telegraaf. The article points out that one Dutch merchant vessel after another is sunk by German sub- marines, and that the same thing is true......
A White Paper Has Been Issued Describing The Typhus...
in the prisoners' camp at Gardelegen, between Berlin and Hanover. It is a terrible record, recalling the brutality, callousness, and cowardice of the German officials at......
We Are Very Glad To Record The Successful Inauguration On
Friday week of the Serbian Society of Great Britain. The aims of the We are very glad to record the successful inauguration on Friday week of the Serbian Society of Great......
On Friday Week Mr. Joseph King, Liberal M.p. For North
Somerset, was fined £100 and 25 guineas costs for having conveyed to a friend in New York information as to the destruction of British ammunition at the front in France. Mr.......
What Seems To Be The Last Phase .of The Campaign
in German East Africa has been reached. According to a statement from the War Office published in the papers on Friday week, General Smuts is driving the enemy into the valley......
Lord Cromer, Who Is President Of The Society, Disposed In
his speech of the absurd illusion that the Society is hostile to Italian aims. Naturally, he said, the Italians desired a predominant influence in the Adriatic. He hoped that......
Lord French Last Sunday Made Another Of His Habitual Inspec-
tions of Volunteers. This time he visited Essex, Suffolk, and Norfolk. At West Ham he said that it was possible now to provide Volunteers with nearly all the equipment they......
Bank Rate, 6 Per Cent., Changed From 5 Per Cent.
July 13th.......
In The Times " Political Notes" Of Tuesday It Was Stated
that Mr. Arthur Henderson is to become Minister of Pensions. In August Mr. Henderson resigned from the Board of Education in order to devpte himself to the work of Labour......
The Volunteers Will Soon Occupy The Position Which Those Who
took a long vie* always foresaw they must reach. Such a prophecy was not really bold or rash. It was fairly obvious that if the war went on long enough the War Office would not......
In .a Letter To The Papers Of Last Saturday Mr.
Arthur Stanley explained the arrangements made by the Central Prisoners of War Committee for sending parcels. The object is to prevent over- lapping and waste, and to secure......