In .a letter to the papers of last Saturday Mr.
Arthur Stanley explained the arrangements made by the Central Prisoners of War Committee for sending parcels. The object is to prevent over- lapping and waste, and to secure that every prisoner shall get a parcel. The rules, which are simple, are as follows:
(1), All parcels must be sent through the Central Committee or an association authorized by it. A list of each associations will be put up in every post office.
(2) Individual senders are requested not to send food parcels, but to arrange for this to be done by the 'recognized association' shown in the list. Particulars of the food parcels and their cost and any further information can be had on application to the associations or to the Central Committee."
Thus there will be an end to the system under which some prisoners received several parcels and some none, and under which the least valuable and nutritious forms of food were frequently sent.