28 OCTOBER 1916, page 11

[to The Editor Or Tit "semmes:] Sut,—for The Good Of

the great commonwealth of stations which we speak of oddly as the British Empire, and for the good of the Irish people themselves, it is most desirable that the Military Service......

The Agenda Club.

(To THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOE.") SIR,—"Islander " awakens memories of the high ideals of the writer of the open letter and those that worked for the Agenda Club (see......

!if Collier's Weekly " On Mr. Churchill's Sea Policy.

(To THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR.") Sta,—I send an excerpt from Collier's Weekly.—I am, Sir, Ac.. Z. " Winston Spencer Churchill's article, The War by Land and Sea,' in this......

"la Ligue Des Allip.s."

[TO THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."] • BIE,—I wish to make known to your readers the above association, whose headquarters, the " liaison des Alli4s," is at 1 Square du Roule,......

Ireland And Compulsory Service.

(TO THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR,—In the late summer I spent a few days at a little village on the border-line between Derbyshire and Staffordshire. Crossing the......

The Consolations Of The Classics., Et° Tee Burros Or Ran

" SPECTATOR.") Sni,—Your . contributor " S." in the last number of the . Spectator tells us that " the learned scholars in the most learned' of the Colleges of Oxford " informed......