[To THZ EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR."] Sra,—Since its inauguration at the Mansion House by the Lord Mayor in the early part of the year, the Civic Arts Association has steadily endeavoured to realize what is perhaps at the present time its most important ideal—the setting of a high standard in war memorials. In June last the Association held its first Exhibition of competitive designs for such memorials, and the results have been most encouraging. The chief aim of the Exhibition was to bring those who are contemplating memorials into contact with the Association and with artists and craftsmen, as well as to provide some preliminary standards for simple and beautiful memorials. The Association is glad to be able to report that these aims are being fulfilled, and that it has secured on its Advisory Committee the services of artists of acknowledged repute who are able to consider and advise upon questions of design, as well as of men of established reputation in letters and in scholar- ship to deal with the extremely important matter of commemora- tive inscriptions. Hitherto the Association has relied upon the generosity of friends for means to carry on the work, but if its aims are to be fully realized steps must now be taken to meet the expenditure caused by the largely increasing number of applica- tions for advice. The Association asks no fee for this advice, nor - do the artists and scholars who act as consultants, but there are inevitable expenses of administration which, if the Association is to do its work effectively, will, even on the strictest basis of economy, amount to a considerable annual sum. We beg therefore to appeal for the financial help of all who are interested in this attempt to secure the " well-doing of -what needs doing "—the best and most fitting memorials for our fallen heroes.—We are, Sir, &c., C. C. WAKEFIELD, Lord Mayor, President of- the Association; CECIL HARCOURT Salm Chairman; ERNEST R. DERE/MAL Hon. Treasurer; RACHEL B. KAY SHUTTLEWORTH, Hon. Secretary.
All communications should be addressed to the Hon. Secretary at 28 Princes Gardens, S.W.