Snt,—To any one who has read (and re-read) and appreciated the articles of " A Student in Arms " appearing in the Spectator, the tragic news of his death must come with a sense of personal loss. Your tribute to his memory—glowing and eloquent as it is—leaves much (as doubtless was your intention) to the imagina- tion in forming an estimate of this remarkable and inspiring mind and personality. I, in common, I imagine, with very many others, should be glad to know if it is intended to publish in a collective (book) form all the writings of the " Student in Arms" subsequent to those contained in the published volume, ending with " Heroes and Heroines."—I am, Sir, &c., C. F. D. [As many other correspondents have written to us on this subject, we may mention that A Student in Arms was published by Messrs. Melrose at Is. net. The publication in collected form of the articles which subsequently appeared in these columns, and of other literary material which exiles, is a. matter which it rests with Lieutenant Hankey's family to decide.—En. Spectator.]