. • ••
• • STosic Escuswers, Faroxr ArraexooN.
The fluctuations of the English Funds have been unimportant, andthe bu-,' siness transacted insignificant. The variation in the prim of Consols during the week has not exceeded i per cent ; the closing prices this afternoon are 961 i for Money, while there are buyers at 11 for the Account.. There is no, . material change in the value of money, though there is rather more demand, for it at the current rates. The exchange upon Paris is in a slow process of decline ; receding gradually without any appearance of reaction. A bargain in French Five per Cent Routes occurred, today at 93, with an exchange of
' 25.25—the lowest quotation of an exchange recently recorded:
1 In the Foreign Market, the business transacted has not been extensive ; and, with the exception of Spanish Active Stock, almost every description of Bonds usually current has been steady. The Active Stock has not recovered the decline occasioned on Saturday by the arrival from Madrid of intelli gence unfavourable to the conversion of the Debt upon the terms proposed at the recent meeting of the London BondhOlders. After the first shock to the market, however, it has been steady at the lower prices; and the trans- actions of the last few days have been unimportant. The Russian Four- and-a-half per Cents, and other Northern European Stocks, are firm at our last quotations.
Tb.e Share Market is still in a state of improvement, and, with the excep-
tion of Great Western, almost all the principal Shares are higher than they were last week. The traffic-returns are in almost every instance higher for the past than for the corresponding week of last year ; and there is evi-. dently a greater disposition to hold Shares, both on speculation and for in- vestment, than there has for , some time been. Whether this feeling will continue, depends entirely upon the state of the truffle. It remains to be seen whether the remarkable increase under this latter head, which the re- turns of the last few weeks exhibit, . has a character of permanence, or ; whether it is merely the result of the autumnal pleasure-traffic. ' , n, .. i
In the English Market, Consols are a higher this morning for Money, and are now quoted at 961 1 both for Money and Account. In the Foreign Market, there is no business doing or alteration in prices. In the Share Market, no bargains have occurred'; it being ticket-day, the attention is oc-
cupied with the settling. SATURDAY Two O'CLOCK.
The English Market has continued exactly in the same state throughout the day, with no alteration in prices. Consols for Money and Account are 96 if 1. In Foreign Stocks, Spanish Active and Mexican are a shade higher; Brazilian, 91 3; Belgian Four-and-a-half per Cents, 90 2; Chili= Six per Cents, 102 4; Danish Five per Cents, 100 1; Ditto Three per Cents, 76 9; Dutch Two-and-a-half per Cents, 57f 8 ; Ditto Four per Cents, 91 f ; Mexican, 31 1 ; Peruvian, 81/ 21 ; Portuguese Four per Cents, 33 4 ; Ditto Five per Cents, 33 4; Russian, 109 11; Spanish Active, 181 f ; Ditto Three per Cents, 381 1; Venezuela, 32 3. In the Share Market business has been transacted at the following prices- Aberdeen, 91; Caledonian, 8f 1 f; Ditto New 101. Preference, 54 ; Ches- ter and Holyhead, 91; Ditto Preference, 10f ; Eastern Counties, 6 ; Great Northern, 124 ft 13f ; Great Southern and Western, (Ireland,) 34 ; Great Western, 71f 2f ; Ditto New, 171., 9/ i; Lancaster and Carlisle T irds, 21 prem. - Lancashire and Yorkshire Fifths, 24; Ditto Thirds, 91; London and Blackwall, 51 ; London and North-western, 115 ; Ditto New Quarter-shares, 191; Ditto Fifths, 141 1 ; Ditto 101. Shares, M. and B. C., 24; London and South-western, 70 69f 704 ; Midland, 421 3 24 3f ; Ditto 50/. Shares, 121 13f ; North British, 71 14 ; North Staffordshire, 74; Reading, Guildford, and Reigate, 19; Scottish Central, 121 ; South-eastern and Dover, 201 1 f 1; York, Newcastle, and Berwick Extension, 114 ; Ditto G. N. E. Purchase or Preference, 44 4; York and North Midland, 20 4 ; Boulogne and Amiens, 71 1 4 ; Namur and Liege, 7/ f ; Orleans and Bordeaux, 2f ; Rouen and HaVre, 91.
3 per Cent Consols 941 1
Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced shut 31 per Cents shut Long Annuities shut Bank Stock shut Exchequer Bills 63 66 India Stock 266 268 Brazilian 5 per Cents 91 3 Belgian 41 per Cents 90 2 Chiliou 6 per Cents 102 4 Danish 5 per Cents 100 1 Danish 3 per Cents 76 9 Dutch 21 per Cents 571 8 Ditto 4 per Cents 91 Mexican 5 per Cents 1816 31 Peruvian 6 per Cents 814 21
Portuguese 4 per Cents 1842 SS 4
Portuguese 5 per Cents 1824 33 4 Russian 5 per Cents 109 11
Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents gi I
Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 Venezuela 32 3