Commercial Gazette.
Tuesday, September 24. PARTNERSHIPS DissoLven.-Holloway and Jones, Lawrence Lane, commission- agents-Butcher and Dyson, Leicester, hosiers -Willerton and Co. Sunderland,......
Prices Current.
FOREIGN F U N D 8. (Lust Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) Austrian 5 p. Ct. - Massachusetts (Sterling)...3 p. Ct 108 Belgian 11 - 911 Mexican 5 31......
Mums. •
On the 19th September, at Heath House, Twickenham, Ike wife of Captain Lionel Mackinnon, Coldstream Guards, oT a son. On the 19th, at Coatham nen, Durham, the Wife of G. P.......
Military Gazette.
WAR-OFFICE. Sept. 24.--Ist Regt. of Drag. Guards-Capt. F. T. Meik, from half- pay 16th Light Drags:So be Capt. vice Moore, dcc. 15th Light Drags.-Cornet D. Ii. iijeuelita be......