28 SEPTEMBER 1850, Page 21


Tuesday, September 24.

PARTNERSHIPS DissoLven.-Holloway and Jones, Lawrence Lane, commission- agents-Butcher and Dyson, Leicester, hosiers -Willerton and Co. Sunderland, merchants-Oldfield and Davies, Manchester, joiners-Hipkins and Co. Tipton, soap-manufacturers-Milburn and Co. Stalybridge, machine-makers-Shiels and Sharpe, Liverpeol, confectioners-Derry and Pearse, Launceston, grocers-J. and J. Richardson, Cockermouth, brewers-Martin jun. and Richardson jun. Cocker- mouth, wine-merchants -1401 and Todd, Denham, Buckhighanislure, farmers- Hague and Co. Constantinople-Williams and Co. Manchester, cotton-spinners- Fairborn and Sons, Obelisk Grove, Mirfield, card-makers ; as fares regards L. Fairborn -Maddock and Co. Plymouth, engravers-Dewdney and Co. St. Leonard, Devon- shire, paper-makers; as far as regards R. Dewdney--Gradwell and Co. Preston, corn- merchants ; as far as regards R. Gradwell-J. and C. Kirkpatrick, Liverpool, corn- merchants-Cooper and Nowell, Macclesfield, contractors for public works.

BANERUPTS.-CHAELE6 RICIFMOND Porrrausn, Hardwick Place, Commercial Road East, wine-merchant, to surrender Oct. 9, Nov. 13: solicitors, Baker and Parson, Pancras Lane; Wilde, Union Court, Old Broad Street ; official asSignee, Edwards, Sambrook Court-Josses SearE, Free-school Street, Horselydown, rectifier, Oct. 9, Nov.14: solicitors, Ashurst and Son, Old Jewry; official assignee, Groom, Abchurch Lane-ions and TwomAs Jowr.rr, Coventry, grocers, Oct. 1, 31: solicitors, Darke, Newman's Court, Comhill ; Dewea and Son, Coventry ; official assignee, Valpy, Birmingham-Rwaimo BATreesint and JAMES TELFORD, LiverpooViron-founders, Oct. 4, Nov. 1: solicitor, Bell, Liverpool; official assignee, Bird, Liverpool-WIL- LIAM burrosLows, Salford, victualler, Oct. 7, Nov. 5: solicitors, Kirkland, Glas- gow ; Webster, Manchester ; official assignee, Fraser, Manchester-Jaire.s TAYLOR, Rochdale, cotton-Spinner, Oct. 8, Nov. 5: solicitor, Lord, Rochdale ; official assig- nee, .Putt,. Manchester -Maur BARI:WELL, Manchester, size-manufacturer, Oct 4, Nov. 6: solicitors, Bagahaw and Sons, Manchester ; official assignee, Fraser, Man- chester-Wilamix RICHARDS, Devonport, printer, Oct. 3, Nov. s : solicitors, Soles and Turner, Aldermanbury: Little and Billing, Devonport; Stogdon, Exeter ; official assivee, Ilemarntia, Exeter.

Dranzerns.-Oct. 15, Smith, Enfield, wine-merchant-Oct. 15, Pattison, Win- chester, glazier-Oct. 15, J. add W. Chisholm, Ludgate Ilill, perfumers-Oct. 16, Desforges, Alford, Lincolnskirei, brick-maker-Oct. la, Robinson and Moore, Wake- field, spinners.

CLaiirrems.s.-2b be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.-Oct. 16, Havitham, Ladbroke Road, Notting 11111, builder-Oct. 15, Robin- son and Moore, Wakefield, spinners-Oct. 23, Brown, Howden, tailor-Oct. 23, Galbreath, Hull, merchant.

SCOTCH SLIIIIESTILATIONS.-1Ienderson, Dundee, merchant, Oct. 1, 24-Walker, Kilmarnock, draper, Sept. 28, Oct. 17-Anderson, Arbroath, ship-builder, Sept. 28, Oct.12.

'Friday, September 27.

PAR.TNERSHIFS DISSOLTED.-Mellors and Russell, Liverpool, commission-mer- chants-Mellors and Co. Bahia; as far as regards J. Mellor-Bagnall and Co. Car- marthen, drapers; as far as regards G. Bag,nall-Hughes and Lawrence, Bristol, estate-agents-R. and 1'. Gibson, Stockton, millers-Eustaehio and Co. Liverpool, ship-brokers-Archer and Son, Broadway, Westminster, tobacconists-Turner and Whitaker, Rochdale, steam-engine-makers-Ortelli and Primavesi, Hatton Garden, opticians-Harmer and Ransome, Ipswich, chemists-Brown and Cameron, Aspull, Lancashire, vegetable-black-manufacturers-Fisher and Co. Sheffield, nurserymen- Pritchard and Thomas, Newport, Monmouthshire, potato-merchants-King and Taylor, Oldham, joiners-Watson and Co. Abchurch Lane, merchants; as far as re- gards A. Young-J. and W. E. Tomlinson, Hillingdon End, Uxbridge, statuaries- l'ountney and Goldney, Bristol, potters-Charnley and Whittle, Evertor), Lanca- shire, blacksmiths-Greig and Ellis, Rotherhithe, ironmongers-Ashton and Wil- son, Barton-upon-Humber, Lincolnshire; contractors-Smith and Anderson, Glas- gow, sewed-muslin-warehousemen-Mitchell-and Menzies, Glasgow, undertakers.

BANKRUPHL-HENRY FRANCIS ROSS, West- COATS, and JOHN WYLIE BARROW, Philpot Lane, commission-agents, to surrender Ott. 5, Nov. 12 : solicitors, Tilson and Co. Coleman Street ; official assignee, Canaan, Birchin Lane -THouss Pamirs, High Holborn, victualler, Oct. 7, Nov. 7: solicitor, Holmer, Bridge Street, South- wark; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Buildings-BRUM Witsurs, High Street, Kensington, draper, Oct. 4, Nov. 7 : solicitors, Sole and Turner, Alderman- bury; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Buildings-WiLLIAx lirsersa' East Street, Walworth, brewer, Oct. 9, Nov. 14: solicitors, Wright and Bonner, London Street, Fenchureh Street ; official assignee, Groom, Abchurch Lane-EDWARD HAM- LIN ROI5DLE, Valentine Place, Webber Street, miller. Oct. 9, Nov. 14 : Solicitors, W. W. and R. Wren, Fenchurch Street; official assignee, Edwards, Sambrook Court- Joint Thomas BRA-VELD, Tichborne Street, china-dealer, Oct. 9, Nov. 19: solicitors, Wiglesworth and Co. Gray's Inn Square; official assignee, Groom, Abcholete Lane- HENRY and THOMAS LLOrn, Carmarthen, drapers, Oct. 10, Nov. 7 : solicitors, Sole and Turner, Aldermanbury; Bevan, Bristol ; official assignee, Hutton; Bristol- JAMES HonserELD, Whelock, Sandbach, Cheshire, coal-dealer, Oct. 8, Nov..1 : soli- citors, Bagshaw and Sons. Manchester; official assignee, Morgan, Liverpool. DrluoRros.-Oct. 24, King, Buckingham, scrivener-Oct. 21, Ellikt, -Daventry, Northainptonshire, victualler-Oct. 17, Morrison, liammersreitheinterchant-Oct. 24, Heath, Limehouse, brass-founder--Oct.24,Skinner, West Malting, Kent, brick- maker-Oct. 21, Pretyman and Hobson, Cornhill; ironmongers-Oct.-19, Henderson, Wolverhampton, tin-plate-manufacturer-Oct. 24, Knight, Broughton Astley, Lei- cestershire, hosier-Oct. 22, Hilton and Fisher, Foleshill, Warwickshire, silk-ma- nufacturers-Oct. 22, Johnson, Liverpool, victualler-Oct. 23, Byford, Liverpool, grocer-Oct. 22, Hind and Warbrick, Liverpool, curriers-Oct; 17, Cornish, Bristol, cabinet-maker-Oct. 17, Fenwick, Tynemouth, banker-Oct. 17, Wallace, Carlisle, grocer-Oct: 18, Fairle3-, Sunderland, chemist-Oct. 23, Hawley, Crockernwell, De- vonshire, victualler--Oct. 21, Inglis, Portsea, draper. CEETIFICATIRL-n be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day m an oetiny.-Oct. 18, Ward and Griffith, Bear Alley, Farringdon Street, printers- t. 21, Busher, Piccadilly, coach-builder-Oct. 23, Baylis, Cardiff, dealer in flour-LOct. 21, Hedge, Bath, silversmith-Oct. 23, Williams, Trowbridge, auctioneer-Oct. 17, Waflate, Carlisle, grocer-Oct. 23, She-pheitrd, Modbnry, Devonshire, linen-draper- Oct. 30, Pocock, Kingsbury Episcom, Somersetshire, miller. H51717LARATIORS or DIVID=s1E1.-110.gue and Co. Manchester, commission-agents; final dlr. of 6id. on Tuesday, Oct 22, or any subsequent Tuesday • Fraser, Man- chester-Little, Blackburn, currier; first div. of la. 414 on new proofs, on Tuesday, Oct. 22, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Fraser, Manchester-Boyle,- Manchester, :beck and gingham manufacturer; first div. of Ind. on Tuesday, Oet. 21, er any subsequent Tuesday ; Fraser, Manchester. SCOTCH Becumsra.selons.-Syme, Pittendriech, cattle-dialer, Oct. 3, 31-Beldon, Craigbank, New Ceunnock, contractor, ■ et. a, N.