Topics Of Thrilki.'"" Royal Encroachments. Rl Br Far The...
objectionable part of the proceedings in respect to St. James's Park and the adornment of Buckingham Palace is the mode in which the whole affair has been conducted officially.......
The Cuffe Street Savings-bank.
" CHANCELLOR of the Exchequer" is becoming an opprobrious ep4-" thet ; so much so that it would be thought very rude if in the course of money dealings with a gentleman you were......
Iogt ‘4ratrto.
The opening of the Princess's Theatre, under a new management, which is announced to take place tonight, looks important. Mr. Charles Kean and Mr. Keeley, eam_ armed with his......
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MONEY MARKET. • • STosic Escuswers, Faroxr ArraexooN. The fluctuations of the English Funds have been unimportant, andthe bu- , ' siness transacted insignificant. The variation......
Commissions Of Inquiry.
A return, moved for by Colonel Sibthorp, of the number of Commissions of Inquiry appointed since 1830, (in continuation of a paper printed in 1848,) supplies the following......