A return, moved for by Colonel Sibthorp, of the number of Commissions of Inquiry appointed since 1830, (in continuation of a paper printed in 1848,) supplies the following details.
Appointed. Expired. Expense. 1833. Criminal Law Digest 1849. £49,898 12 8 Items of expense-two Commissioners, Secretary, &c.
1847. British Museum, Constitution and Management 1850. 2,114 16 4 Items of expense-Secretary, short-hand-writer. 1847. Application of Iron to Railway Structures 1849. 4,062 13 4 Heals of expense-labour, iron, travelling expenses, &c. 1847. Health of the Metropolis 1850. 2,677 8 0 Items of expense-three Commissioners, Secretary, &c.
1848. Royal Mint, Constitution and Management 1849. 7,455 4 1 Items of expense-two Commissioners, Seciitary, &c.
1848. PrivyReal and Signet Offices 1849. 54 9 0 Item of expense-short-hand-writer. 1849. Stock Exchange Society of Dublin - 1849. 17 8 10 Item of expense-incidental 1849: Measuring Ships for Tonnage 1849. 853 2 0 Dealt of expense-three Committeemen, incidental. 1849. New Forest and Waltham Forest 1850. 581 18 8 Items of expense-one Commissioner, incidental. 1849. Smithfield Market 1850. 294 11 5
No details of expense given
1833. Frelich, Danish, and Spanish Claims £23,874 4 6 Some French claims remain to be disposed of. 1836. Constabulary Force in England and Wales 769 11 10 No expense has-been recently incurred. 1841. line:Arts in Connexion with the New Houses of Parlia- ment 6,345 0 0 Itethrof expense-salaries to Secretary and Clerks. 1842: Improvethent of the Metropolis 5,260 4 6 Items of expense-Secretary, surveys, plans, printing.
1847. Bishoprics in England and Wales 645 17 9 Items of expense-clerks, rent. 1847. Registration of Deeds 830 9 8 Items of expense-clerk, messenger; housekeeper. 1e47: Law of Marriage 141 5 6 Items of expense-short-hand-writer, printing.
1848. Public Records of Ireland 1,180 3 11 Items of expense-clerks and assistants. 1848: Irish Poor-law Boundary 4,751 1 10 Items of expense-one Commissioner, Secretary, &c. 1848. New Palace of Westminster 120 0 0 Item-of expense-messenger. 1848. Customs Revenue 832 17 6 Items of expense-Secretary, witnesses. 1849. Episcopal and Capitular'Estatea and Incomes, in Eng- land and Wales 750 0 0 Items of expense-clerk, messenger, incidental.
18491 Subdividing Parishes in England and Wales 1,262 1 9 Items of expense-Secretaries, clerks, messenger.
Charity Commissioners: certain cases reported upon 54 0 11 Items of expense-incidental. Pleading in Superior Courts of Law, Process, Practice, and Systemof The* aggfegate expense of - Commissions of Inquiry since 1830" amounts-to 677,5031. 198.-114 ;- exclusive of the-expense of printing the
1849: 1850: