Viscount Nevill, who also %yoke at the meeting, Was very
emphatic in congratulating his friends That "this great country hafi not yet adopted the doctrines of Messrs. Beales and Bright.?' We don't know about the doctrines, but, as we understand it, it has adopted their advice, and something more. The noble Viscount speaks of "the ever restless and dissatisfied demagogues who are endeavouring to undermine the Constitution of England," and seems not to mean Mr. Disraeli and Lord Derby. Some of the Tories appear to have got so mu ch into the habit of calling Mr. Bright and others "ever restless and dissatisfied dema- gogues," that they have lost the meaning of the words, and use them as C7aristian names for the men they hate. Any etymologist would explain to them that these words, even though arbitrarily taken to denote Mr. Bright and Mr. Beales, certainly connote the acts of Mr. Disraeli.