The Number Of Papers Read Before The Social Science...
was of course amazing. Mr. Henry Dix Hutton read two of the best and most interesting, on Stein's great Prussian land reform, and on a scheme for increasing the number of small......
With Regard Toireland, Mr. Hutton Observed That What Is...
there is not capital, but the disposition on behalf of the tenant to apply his capital to the land. "The French, Belgian, and Ger- man proprietor invests his savings in......
Mr. Hamilton Hume Is Probably As Good An Advocate As
Mr. Eyre could procure, but he is not quite straightforward enough to be influential. He tried to persuade the public last week that - the admission of the deposition of the......
Viscount Nevill, Who Also %yoke At The Meeting, Was Very
emphatic in congratulating his friends That "this great country hafi not yet adopted the doctrines of Messrs. Beales and Bright.?' We don't know about the doctrines, but, as we......
The Conservative Association Of Halifax Has Been Holding...
considers a demonstration ; but it was a violent party affair, and somehow, in these manufacturing towns of the North a party Conservative meeting can never get beyond a......
The Elections Both In California And Maine Have Been...
able to the Republicans. In California, from local reasons, from the disgust excited by one or two jobbing republican politicians, the State has been wholly lost to the......
Lord Dufferin's Introductory Address At The Belfast...
the main points of which we mentioned last week, produced a little emeute by its boldness in advocating a division of the Irish Protestant Church property among the various......
One Of The Best Addresses Delivered At The Social Science
Asso- ciation, which became, we are told, very much ennuyie (an association is surely feminine?) before it drew to an end, was Mr. Justice O'llagan's, on "Jurisprudence and......
Nothing More Has Yet Been Heard Of The Fenian Prisoners
liberated by violence in Manchester last week,—Captains Deasy and Belly. We fear they have escaped, by the help of their in- numerable Irish friends. The police, it is said, are......