Mr. Hamilton Hume Is Probably As Good An Advocate As
Mr. Eyre could procure, but he is not quite straightforward enough to be influential. He tried to persuade the public last week that - the admission of the deposition of the......
Lord Carnarvon Presided At The Annual Meeting Of The High
Clue Agricultural Association on Thursday, and scolded the successful competitors in ploughing and farm labour for not -having come up to the level of previous years. In his......
In Printing, Last Week, A Letter Attesting The Sympathy Felt
in Italy with Admiral Persano, we inadveitently printed also a sentence which should not have appeared in it, reflecting very harshly, and we imagine very unfairly, on Admiral......
The Closing Prices Of The Leading Foreign Securities...
on Friday week are subjoined : — 'Friday, Se t. 20. Friday, Sept. 27. Mexican alt 15i Spanish Passives .- .. .. .„ .. 19 .. 20 Do. Certificates .. .. .. .. .. 16 .. 17 Turkish 6......
Mr. Grant, The Celebrated Author Of The History Of Physical
Astronomy, writes to the Times of Sept. 20 to demonstrate again what seemed scarcely to need further demonstration,—that the Pascal and Newton correspondence exposed by Sir......
This Abominable System Of Lodgings Purposely Kept And...
for women who want to be confined without the knowledge -of their acquaintances, and for the unhappy children thus born, seems to be increasing in London, and to be producing......
A Correspondent Of The Daily News, Who Has Been In
the Tyrol, seems to have been very unfortunate in his inns, and speaks with quite pathetic earnestness on the subject of the bread, the beds, and the feeding generally. Be......
Large Sales Of Stock Having Been Effected, The Market For
Home Securities has been heavy, at drooping prices. Yesterday, 'Consols, both for money and account, closed at 94, ; Reduced and New Three per Cents., 921, ; Exchequer Bills,......