Large sales of Stock having been effected, the market for
Home Securities has been heavy, at drooping prices. Yesterday, 'Consols, both for money and account, closed at 94, ; Reduced and New Three per Cents., 921, ; Exchequer Bills, 26s. to 30s. premium, India Bonds, 6os. to 70s. premium ; India Five per Cents., 113 to 113&; India Stock, 220 to 222. The Government Broker has closed his operations on account of the Sinking Fund for the present quarter. The dealings in the Foreign House have been restricted, but Railway Shares have commanded a fair amount of attention. The supply of money in the discount market is very large, and the best short commercial paper is readily done at 1 per cent. The stock of bullion in the Bank of Eng- land is now 24,447,8431.; in the Bank of France, 38,299,693/.