28 SEPTEMBER 1907, Page 22

The Government's Record, 1906-7. (Metchim end Son.)— There can be

no doubt in any mind not obscured by patty prejudice that these "Two Years of Liberal Administration and Legislation "show a very creditable result. We think, and have not failed to say on occasion, that the Government has erred,

but it hi not in the ditection of indolence itegtiet. It litti

acquiesced in the doMination of groups of its Stipporters, as when it put the Trade.IIftions—collectitalY a Socialistic bodyirt a position of dangerotta privilege. Ent that it hite been highly effective we willingly admit. The Leeds haee net really prevented it from achieving a great deal. To say in one breath, theiefore, as is practically said here : "See my Splendid feats of strength !" and "Pity the paralysis to which unscrupulous influencee reduce me !" is somewhat absurd.