[to The Editor Op The "spectator:]
SIR,—The courtesy and humour of Mr. Willett's letter in last week's Spectator are more evident than its logic. The financial considerations attending the engagement of a butler......
[to The Editor Of The "spectator-1
Sin,—The correspondence in this and other journals has given Mr. Willett's scheme Wide publicity, yet it is remarkable that no serious objection to it has been found.......
Lto The Editor Of The .srearkromil
repeat the question of one of your correspondents in your larvae of September 14th, "Would it not be easier to do as all other nations do ? " but I would add, "and as our own......
The Thames At Twickenham.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:] SIR,—A very beautiful and characteristic bit of the Thames is threatened with destruction,—to wit, the small park at Orleans House,......
Dr. Jameson And The Liquor Traffic.
[To THE EDITOR OF TOE "SPECTATOR."] Srn,—I notice your "deep regret that Dr. Jameson should have proposed to relax the laws restricting the sale of liquor to the natives"......
The Waste Op Daylight.
LTO TIM EDITOR OF TIM "SPROTATOR.1 think too much may be made of the difficulty of adjusting railway time-tables to the alterations of the clock proposed in Mr. Willett's......
A Nigerian Aerolite—a Correction.
[To TEE EDITOR OE THE " SPECTATOR:1 Sia,—Some months ago a letter of mine appeared in the Spectator describing ao aerolite which had fallen while I was in Kaiama, in 'the Borgu......