The True Storv Of My Life. By Alice M. Diehl.
(John Lane. 109. ed. Oct.)." Don't bo too reticent" is the advice sometimes given to the man who proposes to give his recollections to the world. It is certainly the principle......
He Drowth Of English. By Henry Cecil Wyld. (john Murray.
3s. 6d.)—" This book," writes Professor Wyld in his preface, "is obviously a book for beginners." It is orderly in its arrangement, and develops the subject in an instructive......
Ne . * Entrte4g. , -4ii E Z Nelson's New Century Library"...
and Song, 2s. net each) Palgrdroe's Golden Treasury and he Poetical *orbs of He/try Wadsworth Longfellow. The fitogrepliy iS excellent ; but We Cannot say that the India paper......
The Court Theatre, 1904-1907. By Desmond Maccarthy. (a....
29. 43d. net.)—Mr. MacCarthy reprints in this volume the diitibisms made on the plays produced at the CoUrt Theatre during three years. Ho has added, we presunie, some general......
The Lover Of Queen Elizabeth. By Mrs. Aubrey Richardson. (t.
Werner Lattrie. 12s. ad. het.)--We cannot say that there is no "scandal about Queen Elizabeth " in this volume ; but the subject is handled with adeqtiato gravity and......