28 SEPTEMBER 1907, Page 23

The Court Theatre, 1904-1907. By Desmond MacCarthy. (A. H. Titilleti.

29. 43d. net.)—Mr. MacCarthy reprints in this volume the diitibisms made on the plays produced at the CoUrt Theatre during three years. Ho has added, we presunie, some general reflections, giving a special Chapter to Mr. Bernard Shaw. There

an appendix containing programmes, with a list of performances. The plays produced number thirty-two, Mr. Bernard Shaw con- tribilting eleven. Thred dratnas of Euripides were produced (in

r.tillbert Murray's admirable translations), and two of Ibsen. As to the performances, Man and Superman carried off the palm with oho hundred and seventy-six. Five other plays follow, vary- ing froth brie hundred and forty-nine to fifty. The Electra and gippotytus of Euripides attained to twenty, while the Trojan Women only had eight. So the modern verdict accords with the ancient. "Aeglathent " should be corrected.