28 SEPTEMBER 1907, Page 3

Judge Fitzgerald gave judgment in the Glenahiry outrage case at

Waterford on Monday. Lord Ashtown claimed e200 compensation for the damage done by the explosion of a bomb at Glenahiry Lodge on August 14th last, and the claim was resisted by the Rural District Council on the ground that the outrage had been instigated or connived at by Lord Ashtown himself. In support of this contention reliance was chiefly placed on the report and the evidence of District Inspector Preston, and on the evidence of Captain Lloyd, one of his Majesty's Inspectors of Explosives, who had examined the premises at the request of the Home Office, and had no doubt that the windows were open when the explosion occurred It was also contended that the pot in which the explosive was placed was one which had been in use at Glenahiry. Evidence to a contrary effect was tendered by County Inspector Rogers; District Inspector Tweedy ; Mr. Hackett, a county surveyor ; Mr. Harvey, an explosive expert ; Graham, Lord Ashtown's gamekeeper, who swore to closing the windows and shutters, and his wife; and Lord Ashtown himself. Considerable excitement was caused in the neighbour- hood by the trial, and sortie of Lord Ashtewn's witnesses were stoned on Saturday flight-