more of Mr. Gosae's most characteristic productions. The first con-
sists of a collection of detached essays, illustrated by woodcuts, among which we must note a very capital description of Lundy Island and its natural wonders. Even in his descriptive essays, however, Mr. Gesso is always a botanist and entomologist, and the latter of these two works is entirely devoted to his favourite pursuits. It is perhaps even a handsomer volume than its fellow, and is adorned with thirty-six
coloured illustrations of the choicest inhabitants of the most select aquaria.* Mr. Gone and his readers know each other too well to want any further introducing, and in conclusion we will only say that we could wish that the two last pages of A Year at the Shore had been cancelled—not only because they are out of place, but because they contain an expression of an intention to write no more. His corner in literature will not easily be as well filled.